Äsch, jag skiter i engelskan...

Jag tänkte, när jag satte ihop den här hemsidan,  att jag skulle vara ambitiös och skriva på engelska. Men efter att ha jäklats med översättning och funderingar om hur jag ska formulera mig så känns det naturligare att skriva på svenska. Åtminstone tills vidare...

Om det är någon från utlandet som är intresserad av mina instrument och som hittar min hemsida så får jag väl börja översätta mig då :-)

"Sunny" is ready to play for those who want to listen to beautiful songs

"Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain."

"Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain.
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain."

Her sound is crisp, sparkling and euphonic.
And the feeling I get when I'm holding her and play makes me forget time for a while.
The size of the guitar is optimal to sit in a small (or big) caravan or other small places :-)

Theatre, tour and some instruments

Finally, winter is over and the light has returned to the village. More and more each day. In the sky, you can see the cranes fly north again.

Last winter I've celebrated 30 years with my band and toured all around Sweden on small and big stages. It's been great to meet old and new audiences.

But I have managed to build some instruments too. Below you can see one of the ukes I have built.

In a few days, a special guitar is finished. It is an HVG (caravan-guitar), smaller body and shorter neck. I have put on some strings and listened to it and it sounds greate: Brittle tone with high-mid.

This was named Ursula's dream since she was dreaming about this ukulele.

This was named Ursula's dream since she was dreaming about this ukulele.